Rabbi Josh Warshawsky
Rabbi Josh is a pray-er, gatherer, music creator, and lifelong meaning seeker.
He is a nationally touring Jewish musician, songleader, composer, and teacher of Torah. Josh seeks to build intentional praying communities, and travels to synagogues and Jewish communities across the country sharing his music and teachings on prayer and meaningful living. He has released four albums of Jewish music, filled with melodies written intentionally to express the deep meaning of the words of our tradition. His latest album, “Chaverai Nevarech Vol. III,” came out in Spring 2022!
My mission is to help people find a spiritual and meaningful home for themselves in order to live lives filled with purpose. I am guided and motivated by my belief that human beings are spiritual seekers and meaning-makers. We can find that meaning through Jewish sacred text and ritual, and in the chain of tradition passed down from generation to generation. These texts and rituals have great power to guide us as we live our lives today, if only we can seek to better understand them and make them our own. Through prayer, through song and harmony, through spirituality, through ritual, through community, and through justice and fairness, the way is illuminated and becomes clear.
Please join us for Shabbat, holidays, and events at Agudas! If I haven’t had a chance to meet you yet, I would love to get to know you. Please reach out to jwarshawsky@agudasachim.org to schedule a meeting or coffee date.
You can also visit Rabbi Josh's website to learn more about his other projects HERE
Staff Directory
Naomi Kurland, Director of Operations, ext. 117
Naomi Kurland has worked at Agudas Achim since moving to Columbus in July 2007. Naomi was born and raised in Chicago, where she received her B.A. in Sociology from Roosevelt University. She has worked in Jewish education for 25 years. Naomi resides in Reynoldsburg with her husband Ruvane, son Lyric, and daughter, Aria.
Nancy Louer McCormack, Director of Marketing and Communications, ext. 110
Nancy joined the staff of Agudas Achim in September 2019, and has worked in Jewish institutions since 2012. She holds a B.F.A from Ohio State, and an M.A. from Savannah College of Art and Design. Nancy lives in Ashville, Ohio with her husband, Ian, and their collective zoo of children. She can often be found narrating her day through off-tune song.
Josh Sutterlin, Bookkeeper, ext. 113
As the newest member to join the staff of Agudas Achim, Josh is looking forward to serving our congregants as Bookkeeper. Josh received his B.S. in Accounting from Franklin University in 2010. Josh resides in Reynoldsburg with his wife, Kimberly, their three daughters, two cats and labradoodle.
Thax Winston, Building Maintenance Manager
I take pride in working at Agudas Achim, and also take pride in assisting our congregants. I’m always willing to lend a helping hand to the congregants both inside and outside of the shul.
Kelly Armstrong, Facilities Maintenance Associate
Arguably the strongest person on the Agudas Achim Staff, though Nancy is catching up. Has a nice calendar collection.
Fri, September 20 2024
17 Elul 5784
Today's Calendar
Candle Lighting : 7:13pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ki Tavo
Shabbat, Sep 21 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Sep 20, 7:13pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Sep 21, 8:19pm |
Erev Rosh Hashana
Wednesday, Oct 2 |
Upcoming Yahrzeits
Friday 17 Elul
- Grigoriy Dvorkin for Father, Yakov Dvorkin
Saturday 18 Elul
- Betya Gizunterman for Mother, Slava Slobodkina
- Geoffrey Delman for Grandmother, Mrs. Annette Gold
- Jonathan Stern for Grandmother, Mrs. Bessie Mathless
- Morris Allen for Rabbi Isaac Bonder
Sunday 19 Elul
- Larry Garvin for Mother, Tobi Greenspan