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B'nai Mitzvah

Bar Mitzvah (or Bat Mitzvah) literally means son (or daughter) of the commandments. A young person attains adult status in our Jewish community, he/she becomes a bar or bat mitzvah, simply by reaching the age of 13. During the bar/bat mitzvah worship service, a young person accepts publicly, his or her transition to Jewish adulthood and the consequent responsibility for observing mitzvot.  While the ceremony typically occurs when a person is 13, it’s never too late to have a bar or bat mitzvah.  

Families will be contacted about setting a date for their child’s simcha, shortly after the child’s 11th birthday. If you wish to discuss this sooner or if you have questions about our process, please contact Naomi Kurland at

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785