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All Events
  • Thursday ,
    OctOctober  24 , 2024
    Simchat Torah Dinner
    Thursday, Oct 24th 6:00p to 8:45p
    Join Agudas Achim and Tifereth Israel for a Torah celebration to remember! After dinner, we'll have singing and dancing geared for families and unroll the Torah scroll to find unique blessings and stories for the year to come. When Shabbat comes to a close, we'll continue the celebration with Ma'ariv, energetic Hakafot, and finish our Torah reading for the year so we can do it all again!


  • Wednesday ,
    OctOctober  30 , 2024
    A Night Out with the Stars
    Wednesday, Oct 30th 6:00p to 9:00p
    Join the Agudas Achim brotherhood for a night of comedy featuring comedian Moody McCarthy and honoring Dave Philips


  • Friday ,
    NovNovember  8 , 2024
    Wine & Kabbalat
    Friday, Nov 8th 5:30p to 7:00p
    Join us for wine & cheese at 5:30 PM, followed by Kabbalat Services


  • Saturday ,
    NovNovember  16 , 2024

    Shabbat, Nov 16th (All day)
    On the third Shabbat of every month, join us at Agudas Achim for Shabbat-oneg! We’ll extend and focus our joy together. We’ll begin with breakfast and Torah study at 9:00am, followed by an intentional, song-filled, and uplifting Shabbat service from 9:45am-12:00pm. A hearty and joyous Kiddush lunch will follow, and then we encourage everyone to stick around, bring games, cards, and books, and enjoy our beautiful space together into the afternoon.



Agudas Achim Spotlight Gallery




Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785